What Every Employee Needs to Know – Secret Number 2 – Know What Employers Want!

It really is amazing that people can work from the ages of 16-65 and not be able to answer the simple question of “what do employers want”. This is a question that people can’t get the answer to in almost 50 years of working. The reason that the question is tough to answer is that the answer is so easy.What do employers want? The very same things you do. Here are the 3 things that employers and employees want.Employers                                                                   Employees
Want a profitable/viable business                              Want to earn what they are worthEmployees that are loyal                                             To be rewarded and recognized for loyalty
Have employees that take ownership                         Have Ownership and inputMost employees don’t realize that the employers want what they want. Those employers and their businesses are actually nothing more than overgrown employees. The employer wants your respect for what they have and what they do. Employees don’t understand the stresses that employers feel. Most employees are responsible for themselves and maybe their family; let’s say a total of 5 people. If an employer has 10 employees then the employer is essentially responsible for 50 people or more. See the difference? The stress that is felt by the employee can usually be magnified by 10 to 20 times for the employer.
When making assumptions about what an employer wants, be willing to walk a mile in their shoes. When you put those shoes on you will realize that they don’t really feel that much different from your own shoes.
As you spend a majority of your life working. You might as well spend some time to learn what it is specifically that your individual employer wants. Every employer is going to have their own little quirky things that they are looking for, but it is going to fall into one of the above categories: Profitability, Loyalty, Ownership. Find out which of these 3 is most important to your employer and you will be well on your way to solving the mystery that takes some people over 50 years to figure out. You will be the one employer at your job that will KNOW WHAT EMPLOYERS WANT!