Payday loans have the reputation of a convenience but this ease is to be enjoyed with a certain type of reserve. These financing provide you with instant relief from your financial emergency. For this reason; these get to be misused as well. This article would be focusing on this very factor.Payday financing are thought to be a convenience and a helpful hand that is asked for in a tight financial situation. These loans are very easy and simple to avail and this is perhaps the biggest fear why they get to be misused as well. As it is obvious by the name, they are termed as payday, cash advance, fast cash, etc; because these financing are to be repaid from the borrowers’ paychecks. Actually a payday loan is specifically that type of a loan that has been devised for salaried class. With the ever increasing inflation rate, you can find it really hard to make both ends meet. Many a time, the situation is that you are left without a single penny. In such a situation, if there is a sudden financial emergency; you cannot meet your need without any outside help. Payday loans in this regard turn out to be very beneficial. You can avail one such loan and then can pay it back from your next paycheck. And, the icing of the cake is that you can avail this loan without any hard conditions like credit card history, better scores, any collateral, etc. This is the very lure that can entice many borrowers towards this kind of loan.Payday loans can be termed as a helping hand lent in a crucial moment of need. There are many a time when you feel this type of need specifically in terms of an urgent financial crisis. These mortgages are basically meant for these types of situations and more and more folks are obtaining these with every passing day.DefinitionBy definition, payday loans are actually an unsecured type of loan. These are lent for a short period of time and are lent in smaller amounts. These mortgages have the salaried class as their basic and most important target audience. The main reason is, perhaps, that the salaried class is the one that frequently falls prey to urgent and sudden financial requirements, arising especially when there is neither pay nor any savings. These loans are supposed to be paid back through the paycheck that follows right after the borrowing of this loan. That is why; these have been given the name of Payday, cash advance, advance pay etc.BasicsBecause payday mortgages are unsecured loans, it should be clear that these come with a higher interest rate. These financing are lent for a time period starting from two weeks and going to a month at maximum. The amount that you can borrow through this kind of loan ranges from $200 to $1500. You are supposed to pay this loan back with your next paycheck. If you are unable to pay the check amount on the due date, you can get it rolled over as well. But, mind that it comes with even higher interest rate.Application processPayday financing are very convenient to avail. All you are required to do is to apply and you can get it approved within the time span of twenty four hours. There are no really strict rules to follow in this regard. You are supposed to be eighteen years and above, have a secured job and an active bank account in your hand. That is all that is required to apply for this type of loan. And, if you are going for the online application process, you can get it approved even faster. As soon as the application is approved, the loan amount is transferred right into your account.Payday financing really turn out to be a helping hand whenever there is a sudden financial need. You can take help from these and then can repay these from your next paycheck. But, remember never to use these for extravagant purposes. These are to be used only, and only, in a severe kind of financial emergency when there is no other way out.